25 May 2010

~~~Home Sweet Home~~~

It may be just a humble house,
The place that we call home…
But there’s no other like it
No matter where we roam;
Familiar things within its walls
We get to know so well,
And when we’re tired and weary
It’s where we can rest a spell.

We get to know its every noise,
The sounds that are its own;
The floor that creaks, or window groan
When by the wind it’s blown.
The noises are a part of home,
Just like the friendly door
That lets us in to see the things
We cherish and adore.

Home is where the heart is,
Where those we love abide;
And through our joys or sorrows
They are always by our side.
The outside world may weary us
Even though we do our best,
But love is always waiting
When we turn toward home for rest.

Home is were we like to be
things outside go wrong.
When we are tired and weary
From mingling with the throng.
Home is our sanctuary
As through this life we roam,
And there’s no other like it…
The house that we call home.
