23 September 2010

~~~Indahnya Bunga~~~

Indahnya sekuntum bunga
Mewangi semerbak
Lihat saja pada kelopak
tersusun memukau
kukuh pada tangkai

Ini semua ciptaanNya
begitu uniq dan sempurna
dibasahi embun dinihari
segar dan menawan
inilah kebesaranNya

Lihat dan renung...
indah dipandang mata
segarnya dapat dihidu
menusuk ke jiwa

Ianya persis seorang wanita
cantik rupawan...
berjiwa suci...

Jangan hanya indah pandangan
tanpa ada cahaya dalaman
hati yang kotor...
bersarang kedurjanaan.


22 September 2010

~~~Just To Give~~~

With habits, never give in
or we lose our dignity.
With the self, never give up
or we lose our destiny.

With others never give
your worst or you will
never develop your best.
The saying, "What we give
is what we receive".
The lesson: Just to give.


17 September 2010


Life is part positive and part negative.
Suppose you went to hear a symphony
and all they played were the
little Happy high notes.

Would you leave soon?
Let me hear the rumble
Of the bass,
the crash of the
cymbals and the minor keys.


16 September 2010

~~~Nice piece to share~~~

Friendship is like a book.
It takes few seconds to burn,
but it takes years to write.

All things in life are temporary.
If going well, enjoy it, they will
not last forever. If going wrong,
don't worry, they can't last
long either.

Old friends are gold! new friends
are diamonds! If you get a diamond,
don't forget the gold! Because to hold
a diamond, you always need
a base of gold!

When God solves your problems,
you have faith in His abilities;
when God doesn't solve your problems
He has faith in your abilities.

When you pray for others,
God listens to you and blesses them,
and sometimes, when you are
safe and happy, remember that someone
has prayed for you.

Worrying does not take away
tomorrows' troubles, it takes away
todays' peace.

13 September 2010

~~~Forgive Me When I Whine ~~~

Today, I saw a beautiful girl
I looked at her and sighed
and wished I was as fair.
When suddenly she rose to leave,
I saw her hobble down the aisle.
She had one leg and used a crutch
But as she passed, she passed a smile.
Oh God! forgive me when I whine
I have 2 legs, the world is mine.

I stopped to buy some candy
The lad who sold it had such charm
I talked with him a while,
he seemed so very glad
If I were late, it'd do no harm.
And as I left, he said to me,
"I thank you, you've been so kind.
It's nice to talk with folks like you.
You see," he said, "I'm blind."
Oh God! forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 eyes, the world is mine.

Later while walking down the street,
I saw a child with eyes of blue
He stood and watched the others play
He did not know what to do.
I stopped a moment and then I said,
"Why don't you join the others, dear?"
He looked ahead without a word.
And then I knew, he couldn't hear.
Oh God! forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 ears, the world is mine.

With feet to take me where I'd go.
With eyes to see the sunset's glow.
With ears to hear what I would know.
Oh God! forgive me when I whine.
I've been blessed indeed,
The world is mine.


11 September 2010

~~~Air Mata Syawal~~~

Syukur padaMu
Bertandang kembali
Cahayamu dinantikan
Aku menjadi ahli ramadhan
Memperhambakan diri padaNya
Untuk menelan nikmat

Setiap kali ramadhan bertamu
Kenangan sering menerjah
Pipi haus akan air mata
Kesedihan lampau menutupi wajah
Bersama kenangan silam
Yang hadhir bersama nafas ini

Satu pemergian
Tanpa ada kehadhiran lagi
Masih tergulung kenangan
Kehangatan kasih masih terasa
Berpaut pada sanubari
Kasih yang bernilai

Kini roh Syawal hadhir
Sebagai menutupi Ramadhan
Kerinduan pada ayah dan ibu
Tidak pernah lucut dari ingatan

Aku hanya mampu
Menyambung tali-tali doa
Muga ALLAH mencucuri rahmat
Untuk roh mereka berdua

p/s salam rindu dari anakmu

Sha 01 Syawal 1431

06 September 2010

~~~As Long As.....

As long as there's a breath
left in your body,
there's hope.

As long as mankind
has prowled the earth,
miracles have happened,
restoring life and health.

As long as you have
a loving heart,
God will send much
warmth and love
to you in return.

As long as you've been alive,
God has been watching over you
and answering your prayers.

As long as the heaven
and stars exist,
God will be there
for you.


05 September 2010

~~~I kneel on You Allah~~~

When I feel really tired
when i feel there is no hope
then I feel there is no other way for
and when I face the dead and

Finally my destination only Allah
I just kneel begging for Your Bless
I beg for Your Help
cause You the One who
own this universe

I felt so small in front of You
I felt nothing compare to You
I am nothing because
I just Your servant
No more less

Allah Akbar
Accept me besides You
give me the better place
besides You Allah


04 September 2010

~~~Hidup Ini Seperti Kapas~~~

Jadikanlah hidup ini
seperti kapas yang ringan
jangan jadikan ianya berat
tenggelam dengan air kesedihan
biarkan mudah dihembus bayu
sejuk memberi kedamaian.
